An obligatory booking of a holiday -  apartment in the farmhouse SAN LEONARDO I 50022 Greve in Chianti is possible only with the registration - form to find under the button: "RESERVATION".

After receiveing our confirmation of the booking you must pay within 10 days a pre  - payment of 50,00 €/person. The rest is to pay up to 45 days before beginning of renting.  In recervations, which are made under 45 days, the whole rent must be paid instandly. An obligatory reservation is only possible, when the rent is paid punctual.

In the event of termination or non - paid by the tenant before the start date without having to appoint a replacment tenant, in the treaty on the same conditions occurring is attributed as compensation of expenses saved the following prorated rent (minus the cleaning), unless otherwise rental is not possible, to pay: notice to 46 days before the date of 20%, to 21 days 60%, to 14 days 90%, later than 14 days 100% of the rental price. Nevertheless, the landlords try to keep your rental property to rent otherwise. The tenant may be the landlord at any time a smaller breach. Will the tenant stay ahead it remains to pay the full rental price.

Our bank code and our account you will find in our confirmation of the booking. The tenant must pay all rates of exchange.

The tenant binds to replace for all during the rent - time with his or his guests fault to occurred losses. With relation of the apartment is to be paid 50,00 €/person as a security. This amount is paid out with departure again, if no damages are stated.

The landlord can cancel the rental agreement without expense restitution instandtly, if the rent doesn`t paid punctual, if the tenant or his guests disturb the stay of other tenants and doesn`t put down the disturbance in spite of admonition by the landlord or behave in such masses contrary to the terms of the agreement, that the immediate abolition of the contract is justified. If the landlord quits, then he keeps the requirement on the rent. He must be able to be taken into account the value of the saved expenditures as well as the advantages, it from another use not of the taken up achievement attained.

The holiday -  apartment may not be covered with more persons than on our confirmation of the booking are notes. With overflow the landlord has the right to espel the surplus persons.

The liability of the landlord on "not -  persons - damages" is limited to the triple rent, if the damages of tenant is neither wilful nor careless.

This contract relates to the law of Germany.

For organizational reasons, the time of arrival in principle to the period between 16.00 to 19.00 o`clock and the departure time to time between 7.00 to 9.00 o`clock.

Every resignation needs the written form.